

When I was 8 years old my younger brother was gifted an acoustic guitar for his 6th birthday. This instrument became the focal point of our family for a good while, as myself, my two brothers and even my mum all tried to decipher it and make it sound half decent. Poring over every page of the Beatles 'Number 1s' and the Oasis complete chordbooks, figuring out where to place our fingers to get the chords right, no idea what 'add9' meant or what the various numerals following the letters signified, we each invested time, effort and hardened fingertips to get it right.

Over time, one by one my siblings (and mum) put less time into guitar and found other interests. At some point I was the only one who continued to practice, night after night under the stairs in our home in Dunbar. Travelling backwards through time in my musical interests: Guns N Roses, followed by Van Halen, followed by Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd, then the Beatles, then as far back as Howlin' Wolf, Robert Johnson & co, the guitar was always the forefront of any song I spent time learning.

After playing in bands throughout high school and dipping my foot into live performance, in early 2014, myself, Scott Rough and Michael Reilly formed Logan's Close.

10 years on that band has taken me across Scotland, the UK, Europe and we've appeared on radio, TV, released a fully fledged album and performed to thousands of people from all over the world.

Over those years I've been steadily writing songs, for some of which I've never had the right vehicle to properly explore. I've kept them in a 'pending' pile, not sure exactly what to do with them, but knowing that they're worth keeping for something one day.

This year I had something of a wake-up call. Through a combination of life events and timing lining up in a serendipitous way, I saw an opportunity to take those songs out of the dusty cupboard and give them a proper lease of life.

And so,

I'm now laying the first bricks of what will form the foundation for a solo venture. I'm really excited to finally present these tunes that I'm very proud of and I hope you, the listeners, enjoy them.

There's a lot of good things coming, I hope you'll be part of that journey.



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